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[Infographic] Burbs Going Bust

삶의 무거움 2012. 6. 3. 01:26

For decades the  and the American Dream went hand-in-hand: a house with a yard and a white picket fence. It was the alternative to the hustle and bustle of urban living, a peaceful place to raise a family. Instead of letting the  dwindle away, resulting in unkempt ghost towns, we should begin thinking about how to retrofit the for the needs of our changing culture, reinventing Suburbia as a sustainable alternative to urban life.

For more on understanding the reality and difficulties of redesigning Suburbia check out this two part series on Saving Suburbia by Vanessa Quirk: Saving Suburbia Part I: Bursting the Bubble and Saving Suburbia Part II: Getting the Soccer Moms On Your Side.

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